Enter the keyword you are interested in below to estimate how much organic traffic you can get from Google search.
To get access to the full version of the tool please register.
The main task of the SEO Estimator tool, thanks to its advanced algorithms, is to be able to answer the question "What will I get out of SEO?". This is a question that ecommerce business owners, service business owners or online marketing professionals wishing to present data in front of a board of directors may want to answer.
Determine what effects in the form of traffic and conversions can be expected from conducting SEO activities for specific keywords. SEOestimator enables you to estimate organic traffic from Google, which allows you to determine exactly which keywords are attracting the most traffic to your website and how changes in Google’s search positions affect the traffic you are gaining and conversions. This allows you to optimise your SEO efforts on an ongoing basis and adapt your strategy to changing conditions.
Purchasing the tool may be of interest to:
SEOestimator allows you to find the keywords that attract the most organic traffic to your site. The tool allows you to accurately track the popularity of individual keyword phrases and their variation over time, so you can choose the ones that generate the most traffic and tailor your SEO strategy to your users’ needs. This will increase your chances of attracting new customers and improve your website’s visibility in search results.
Purchasing the tool may be of interest to:
SEOestimator allows you to check the market potential for a specific industry on Google. With this tool, you can learn about search trends and identify new keywords that are gaining popularity in your industry. Analysing the data allows you to tailor your marketing and SEO efforts to the market, which in turn leads to increased visibility for your website. In this way, you can become a leader in your industry and gain a competitive advantage.
Purchasing the tool may be of interest to:
Tool functions
Predict monthly organic traffic growth with predictive traffic modelling. Then use this data to inform your SEO strategy and prioritise projects. The starting point for the user is estimation from the domain level or selected keywords.
Importantly: the greater the number of variables overlaid, the closer the estimation will be to reality.
SEOestimator allows you to estimate current organic traffic from Google and that after manual repositioning. It allows you to determine exactly which keywords are attracting the most traffic to your site and what potential your site has in Google search. As a result, you will be able to optimize your SEO efforts on an ongoing basis and adapt your strategy to changing conditions.
SEOestimator allows you to accurately analyse your website’s organic traffic, so you can estimate the number of potential customers you will be able to convert.
SEOestimator also allows you to analyse your competitors’ websites. This allows you to track industry trends, identify keywords that are attracting user attention, and find out what SEO strategies your competitors are using. With this information, you can adjust your SEO strategy to compete more effectively in the market.
0 euro
limited to 7 days
selectDomain searches: 10
Keywords searches: 100
Number of export records: 100 keywords
Saved projects: 1
19,99 euro
limited to 31 days
selectDomain searches: 100
Keywords searches: 500
Number of export records: 1000 keywords
Saved projects: 10
39,99 euro
limited to 31 days
selectDomain searches: 250
Keywords searches: 1000
Number of export records: 10 000 keywords
Saved projects: 50
Check the full potential of our tool by registering and entering your domain or keywords.